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The Wedding Package is the perfect set up for individuals or couples leading up to their big day. Before the Personal Training sessions commence, we will sit down and discuss your goals, exercise history, current lifestyle and so on. All of my programmes are completely tailored to the individual(s), so I take great pride in getting to know my clients. As long as you give 100%, this will ultimately lead to the most effective and sustainable results. I have trained numerous clients for their weddings, all of whom have the primary goal of looking their best on their big day - I've got you covered! Whether you are looking to put on some lean muscle, drop a few dress sizes or simply tone up and feel more confident about yourself, these are all possible in the given timeframe. You will complete 48 sessions (minimum), starting at least 6 months before your Wedding day. As well as Personal Training, this package also includes:


- A nutrition plan & ongoing nutrition advice 

- Constant support and advice via WhatsApp/email

- Progress Photos 

- Weekly weight checkin (including body fat %) 

If you have your Wedding date set or you are in the process of planning your Wedding, get in touch and book a free consultation!    

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